
Electronic paper, also known as e-paper, electronic ink, or e-ink, is a technology that replicates the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. It works by using tiny capsules filled with clear fluid containing minuscule particles, each about the width of a human hair.

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Password: 123456



  • Visitor see the carbon copy of print paper.
  • Reader can easily find the rest part of news.
  • Easy to share the news on social media.
  • No Printing cost.
  • Visitor can read the paper from anywhere of the world.
  • Fast Load and fast reached to the people.
  • There have file management system to upload and manage the paper.
  • Easy to Slice the news image and attach the image on into another.
  • There is no extra hassle to upload and manage the epaper.
  • There are two different types of dashboard, one upload paper and manage directory another manage the paper.
  • Mobile responsive